Thursday, August 25, 2011

Arrival in Czech Republic

After 16 hours of travel, I have finally arrived in the Czech Republic and although there is still an hour and a half long car ride to go, I feel a great sense of accomplishment in having gotten this far.

First order of business was to get a beer and although I think sleep would probably be a good idea I do not see that happening quite yet. & so now we write, but what about. My feelings leaving Chicago were not as emotional as I expected them to be. I have not cried, but rather I laughed a lot. I have a group of friends that all drew 'portraits' (or rather representations) of how they view me. Some people wrote their names and some people left them anonymous, which has made it all the more interesting to guess the artist. Some of my favorites are attached below & I hope that you enjoy them.

That is all I have to share. Tiredness is about to overcome as a result of the past two weeks of preperation.

Till we meet again.


1 comment:

THEE American Penguin said...

HUZZAH! on making it safely to your new home. I can't wait to read about all your adventures! Soak it in and love it up; enjoy!
All the best!
--Kate (from 332 S.)